A hook serves one purpose: Getting a reader to want to know MORE.
Brain Break (English Class)

Hook, Line, and Sinker: Getting an Editor’s Attention

You've probably heard plenty of querying authors discuss a hook: the one-sentence summary of their plot. And you DO need one to catch an editor's eye. But you actually need to consider writing your hook BEFORE you finish that novel. WAY BEFORE. Say, before you start Chapter One.

Substack allows you to write what you want AND offer paid subscriptions
Bag of Tricks (Tools of the Trade)

Substack: The Other (Monetary) Writers’ Platform

Writers like getting their voice out there. But traditional publication isn't always an option. And blogs? Well, are they or aren't they dying? So what other options do you have? For plenty of writers, Substack has filled the gap - particularly because of the option to set up subscriptions.