Read or Die

Review of Batman: White Knight

Batman: White Knight by Sean Murphy

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I confess: I usually steer clear of Batman comics. It’s nothing personal. (Okay, it’s a little personal. When your favorite superhero turns into a simpering ninny on the big screen, you can’t help turning a blind eye to his section of the shelf) However, ignoring the advice of superfans in a bookstore comes at your peril.

And, in this case, I’m insanely proud I followed her direction. (You know I refuse to sacrifice a pun)

Mr. Murphy is a genius. I could slap that up as the entire review and walk away. Cover to cover, every panel demands you hover on the edge of your seat, stay up later than any reasonable human should, and question EVERYTHING you’ve thought from the core lexicon of Gotham’s favorite characters. (Well, there are a few who don’t make the cut – I’ll ding him on that)

It’s Batman through a prism, one that holds to critical elements while introducing thoughts that leave you viewing this piece of the DC Universe in a new light. Your brain starts asking questions – not about the volumes in your hand, but everything you’ve read before. Only a brilliant writer accomplishes that level of magic.

The raw emotion is exactly what one expects from Batman – and then it takes an extra step. There’s NO character you don’t ache for.

Mr. Murphy, I applaud you.

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