Level Up (Yay!)

Happy Dance

Being a freelance writer involves a TON of work, most of which people don’t really get to know about since it isn’t glamorous and never makes it print anywhere:

  • Marketing yourself (I personally HATE this task and have to constantly work at selling myself and my skills)
  • Adapting your writing to fit into templates requested by clients
  • Adjusting your style/tone to fit requests of clients (not always – sometimes you get to keep true to your tone)
  • Waiting to find out if a new client is going to like what you submitted

So when a client comes back with high praise and tells you they love what you did (or extend you a contract), your little writer heart does the happy dance, and you feel like you scaled a mountain. Maybe not Mount Everest or Mount Kilimanjaro, but a mountain all the same.

Today, I got to scale a mountain, and my writer’s heart is happy and grinning a big, sappy smile.

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